Client Forms

Buyer Prepurchase Form

To be completed by the buyer of the horse prior to a prepurchase exam. This form ensures that we have all the information we need and thoroughly understand the expectations you have for exam and the horse you are purchasing. 

Buyer PRePurchase Form

Seller Prepurchase Form

To be completed by the seller of the horse prior to the prepurchase exam. This form ensures that the seller, buyer and Hunt Country Equine are all aware of prior medical conditions and history of the horse being sold.

Seller PRePurchase Form

NEw Client form

To be completed by any new clients in order to start an account with our practice.

New client form

Emergency Care Form

As many of you utilize farm managers, trainers, and others to request veterinary services or supplies for the care or treatment of your horses, it is important that we have your written permission on file to provide veterinary care requested by third parties. In addition, in an emergency, we may be unable to reach you, and need to understand your wishes. As an effort to prevent misunderstandings or confusion, and prevent billing errors, please complete this form to clarify who has permission to act on your behalf.

Emergency Care Form